Looking strong four buildings appeared Osaka “Kita”. Grand Front Osaka.
Grand Front Osaka Tower A (グランフロント大阪タワーA)
The plaza in front of Osaka Station exit. soon, walking on bridge you visit Grand Front Osaka directly.
Interior of Grand Front Osaka A. Unique big pillars welcome visitor. I think that is place imagined universe? it is possible to rest under the pillar, mainly sitting down here is couple.
Going out Grand Front Osaka, there is large plaza. I shot this from here. Several couple sit on benches and enjoy talking.
From inside, 3th floor. Through all floors stairwell of central building.
Grand Front Osaka Tower A (グランフロント大阪タワーB)
It is the opposite entrance of Tower B.
Moon seems say “Welcome to Osaka”. :D
Also, here is luxury design because there is entrance of Intercontinental Hotel Osaka.
グランフロント大阪Bの北側エントランスです。マンション棟との間にある庭園が超豪華! 本当に美しいです。
Luxury hotel of InterContinental is opened in Osaka. Excellent garden with water, bridge are welcomed visitor.
Inside of Grand Front Osaka is very modern, open structure. Decorations on the wall are a little flashy, cause Osaka’s heart is flash.
Sense of western Japanese is avant-gardist, and loves dazzling objects.
I visited Osaka after 1 year. Osaka is the busiest city in Japan as urban redevelopment area. Now, enter on the last phase. Completed big four buildings last year. They are perfect recently modern facade, interior.
Especially, there are continuous escalators in Kinki regions of Japan. I don’t know the reason why, people seems like that design. :)
Rooftop is little garden, some trees, wooden-floor.
うめきた広場とうめきたSHIP (Umekita Hiroba and Umekita SHIP)
There is unique architecture around Umekita Hiroba which is like a structured ship. It is in very popular cafe in Osaka “GARB Monaque” on ground floor.
Grand Front Osaka Tower A (グランフロント大阪南館).
Grand Front Osaka Tower B (グランフロント大阪北館).
Inter Continental Hotel Osaka (インターコンチネンタルホテル大阪).
Grand Front Osaka Owners Tower (グランフロント大阪オーナーズタワー).
Architect : Nikken Sekkei, NTT Facilities, Mitsubishi Estate (設計:日建設計、NTTファシリティーズ、三菱地所).
Contractor : Obayashi Corporation (施工:大林組、竹中工務店).
Completed : February 2013 (竣工:2013年2月).
Structured : Steel (構造:鉄骨造、鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート造、鉄筋コンクリート造).
Costs : $ million (総工費:約億円).
Use : Office, Commercial falicities, Hotel (用途:事務所、商業施設、宿泊施設).
Height : 590ft (高さ:約180m).
Floor : 38 (階数:地上38階、地下3階).
Floor area : 2,021,462 sq.ft. (延床面積:188,076㎡).
Building area : sq.ft. (建築面積:㎡).
Site area : 113,785 sq.ft. (敷地面積:10,571㎡).
Location : 3-1 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan (所在地:大阪府大阪市北区大深町3-1).
Nikon D600
Tamron SP 15-30mm F/2.8 Di VC USD
Tamron SP 70-300mm F/4-5.6 Di VC USD
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom